Video Notes - Business Model and Metrics
Business Models and Metrics
When you measure the Churn / don’t see the blended number / it can make things look better than they actually are / keep the New Customers out of this equation
Subscription Business
Measure Unit Churn instead of Revenue Churn
Compounded Monthly Growth Rate / instead of averages / averages can make your Growth look good because of spikes
In case of Airbnb since people travel once a year / they figured out creative ways to measure retention
People don’t usually book their stay one day before travel / people start doing research six months before / so the way Airbnb measured retention is by measuring if the users were searching on the Platform
Again / for Paid CAC / do not measure the blended number / measure the CAC through Paid Users only / only then you’ll know if your Paid Marketing is sustainable
Daily Active Users
Monthly Active Users
Percept Logged-in
Please define ‘Active User’ properly
User Retention is always a Cohort Metric
I didn’t know about Compounded Monthly Growth Rate at all (CMGR)